ETO Sterilizer Demand in Europe

Several factors contribute to the growth of ETO sterilizer services in Europe. Food and beverage industry is one of these industries, as people living with chronic diseases and the geriatrics are more susceptible to infection. Sterilization equipment is also needed to avoid the spread of infectious diseases and prevent the transmission of them. Pharmaceutics is another industry that is benefiting from sterilization services. Infections can be transmitted by contaminated devices.

EO is NOT Going to be Banned

In a recent vote, MEPs have requested that the European Commission include crypto-asset mining as a sustainable activity within its taxonomy by 2025. The draft rules were passed by the European parliament with 31 votes in favour, and formal negotiations will continue between the EU commission, the European council and the European parliament. During the debate, the MEPs noted differences between the European Parliament and national regulatory agencies. In particular, they raised the issue of stopping the recall process once a product has lowered below the detection limit of 0.02 mg/kg.

EO is Affordable

The EO industry is characterized by highly sophisticated products, constant technological innovations and a changing demand. Currently, EO products are available at various stages of maturity. A majority of them are in a growth phase and are expected to continue growing in the future. About 10% are still in the start-up stage. Hence, it is important to identify the market needs and develop the appropriate business model. With the support of ESRIN funding, several companies are developing their EO offerings and collaborating with other service providers.

The EO industry is highly competitive in the European market. Only ten percent of products and services have no or a single competitor. This competition stretches over a global market. However, competition is increasing in the European industry as US companies have access to large government contracts and are supported by global institutional operators. To attract more investments, the ecosystem needs to change its structure. For this, the European industry must develop a two-sided market for Earth observation services.

Fully Automatic ETO Sterilizer

Alternatives to Ethylene Oxide

Among the many alternatives used for industrial sterilisation of single-use medical devices, ethylene oxide is the most widely known. Its non-damaging effect on delicate instruments and its wide material compatibility make it a great choice for sterilising instruments that cannot tolerate moisture, heat or abrasive chemicals. Ethylene oxide was first developed for military purposes in the 1940s, and its use as a medical sterilant was patented in the late 1950s.

Despite its widespread use, EtO does not have a safe use in human health. It is only approved for medical equipment that cannot be sterilised any other way. Studies indicate that the substance is toxic to terrestrial vertebrates and the general public, but there are no studies demonstrating that it poses a risk to aquatic life. Neither has it been proven harmful to soil organisms.

The American Medical Association Board of Trustees is encouraging doctors to push for the use of safer medical devices and advocate for the use of ethylene oxide-free sterilizers in hospitals. The FDA recently issued an innovation challenge, announcing the desire to reduce the use of the toxic gas. It is important to remember that ethylene oxide sterilization is still the most popular method for sterilisation, despite its high cost.

EO Sterilizer Manufacturing in Europe

In Europe, 50% of medical devices sold in the market are sterilised with EO. The process is a highly effective sterilization method that penetrates wrapped goods, and does not expose the materials to excess heat and moisture.

Medical products are becoming more and more complex. If they are not designed to be sterile, they can become a potential source of infectious diseases. As such, safety should be the first consideration when building an EtO sterilizer plant.

In order to meet the necessary safety standards, an EO sterilization plant must be ATEX certified. During the design and construction of the sterilisation plant, it is important to take all necessary steps to ensure the safety of the people working there and of the general public.

A proper monitoring system must be installed to assess the safety of the EO sterilisation process. Monitoring is also required to make sure concentrations remain below the DMEL level.

Among the factors to consider are the materials used in the medical devices and the type of packaging. Packaging can cause significant differences in the sterilization quality.

While the EO process is beneficial to medical device manufacturers, the industry raises practical issues. It is important to consider the impact of the sterilization process on the materials that are being sterilised.

To ensure safety, it is important to use a professional and reputable company for the installation of an EtO steriliser. An experienced and qualified partner can guide you through the process.

ETO Sterilizer
ETO Sterilizer